Esteli, Nicaragua, 1991
Moyagalpa, Ometepe island, Nicaragua, 1991
Lake Nicaragua, 1991
Matagalpa, Nicaragua, 1991
Twelfth anniversary of the Sandinista march to Masaya and the triumph of the Revolution. Nicaragua, 1991
Pochomil, Nicaragua, 1991
Lake Nicaragua, 1991
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, 1991
Managua, Nicaragua, 1991
Managua, Nicaragua, 1991
Ramiro, ex guerrilla combatant. La Libertad, El Salvador, 1993
Destroyed weapons that had belonged to combatants of the FMLN guerrilla forces, who had just recently demobilized. Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador, 1993
Rufina Amaya with her daughter Marta. Rufina was one of the only survivors of the El Mozote massacre that took place in December 1981, when nearly 1,000 civilians were brutally killed by the U.S. trained and funded Atlacatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army. El Mozote, Morazán, El Salvador, 1993
El Mozote, Morazán, El Salvador, 1993
Children with munitions left over from the recently ended civil war. Chalatenango, El Salvador, 1993
Riot police face off against a group of demonstrators. Injured former combatants of the Farabundo Marti Front for National Liberation (FMLN) and injured Army soldiers joined forces to demand support from the government. San Salvador, El Salvador, 1993
The body of a young ex-combatant from the FMLN. He was killed when the riot police opened fire on demonstrators. San Salvador, El Salvador, 1993
Commanders Joaquín Villalobos and Shafik Handal of the recently demobilized guerrilla coalition, the Farabundo Marti Front for National Liberation, carry the coffin containing the body of a young ex-combatant of the FMLN who was killed by the National Police during a demonstration. San Salvador, El Salvador, 1993
Police and members of a paramilitary force in the center of San Cristóbal de las Casas. Two years earlier, the Zapatista National Liberation Army briefly occupied this city and seven other municipal centers in Chiapas State, the same day that the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect. Chiapas, México, 1996
Police and members of a paramilitary force in the center of San Cristóbal de las Casas. Chiapas, México, 1996
Orphanage for children with AIDS. San Pedro Sula, Honduras, 1999
Orphanage for children with AIDS. San Pedro Sula, Honduras, 1999
Montana, USA, 1989
Denver, Colorado, USA, 2018
Denver, Colorado, USA, 2018
Noam Chomsky, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2011
La Paz, Bolivia, 2008
The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo march for the 1800th time, the 1800th Thursday; 35 years of struggle for truth and to find their disappeared children. Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 18, 2012
In solidarity with the family members of the 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College who were forcibly detained and then disappeared in September 2014 in Iguala Guerrero, Mexico. Montevideo, Uruguay, 2014
Eduardo Galeano. Montevideo, Uruguay, 2010